Good and EVOStreakSmartTablets

Welcome to the new Pocketables!

welcome pocketables 2012 - for some reason we don't have an alt tag here Hello and welcome to the all new, bigger and better than ever and now home to Good and EVO, Nothing But Tablets, and StreakSmart.

Since Pocketables was acquired by CrowdGather last year, we continued to bring you the latest news about pocket-sized tech and also introduced a weekly newsletter and podcast with the rest of the CrowdGadgets team. Now it’s time to take the site to the next level with a new focus, a larger staff of gadget experts, a multi-site merge, and a complete design overhaul.

New Focus

We’re tearing the seams of our previously sizist “pocket” definition and expanding our coverage to include more of the devices that interest you. Pockets aren’t exclusive to pants and coats, after all. You can carry an iPad or 11″ Macbook Air in a range of ScottEVest clothing pockets, a 10″ Android tablet slips easily into a backpack or messenger bag pocket, and an ultrabook or notebook fits into airplane and car back pockets.

In addition to welcoming more gadgets, the new (we’re not a .net anymore!) will return to its roots by including more long-term coverage and feature-specific reviews of single devices that we’re using in our real lives.

We’ll also be increasing our daily post count and bringing you fun new series, collaborative articles, and original content you won’t be able to find anywhere else.

Larger Staff and Merged Sites

Since this is quite the undertaking, we’ve asked a few of our sister sites to join us on our new adventure. That’s why as of today, Good and EVO (G&E), Nothing But Tablets (NBT), and StreakSmart (SS) are all taking up permanent residence right here at Pocketables. This merge brings together some of our most obsessed gadget experts, while also consolidating and strengthening CrowdGather’s tech vertical.

Your favorite editors packed up and moved along with their sites (some are already familiar names around here): John Freml and Paul King from G&E, Andreas Odegard and Bryan Faulkner from NBT, and Calob Horton from SS. Joining them are Aaron Orquia, who you may already know from Pocketables, and William Devereux from the non-merged Anythingbutipad/phone/pod trio of sites. I’ll stop by every so often too. If you don’t know or remember me, hello there. My name is Jenn, and I founded Pocketables in 2006 and G&E and SS in 2010.

While we hope that faithful readers of these sites will become devoted readers of this site, we understand that some of you may not be ready for the change. That’s okay. We’ve made a special top menu bar for you with links to take you directly to where you want to go to see only the content you want to see.

Click “GOOD AND EVO,” for example, and you’ll find everything from the old G&E plus all the new EVO-related content you would’ve seen if the site had been untouched. In other words, it’s the same G&E you’ve always known; it’s just at a different URL. And since you’re reading this, you already know that now redirects to ( takes you to and leads to Our social media links have not been changed and will continue to display the content you’re used to; that is, you’ll still find only G&E content autopublished to the G&E Twitter feed.

When you’re ready to venture beyond the G&E/NBT/SS “micro site” to see what the entire Pocketables has to offer, just click back to the main home page and you’ll find all the G&E/NBT/SS posts seamlessly merged with the content from the rest of the site.

Design Overhaul

Now let’s talk about the new design, which is undoubtedly the first thing you noticed. Regardless of which site you’re coming from, we know this is completely different from it.

Change always takes some getting used to, so while we don’t expect everyone to immediately embrace the makeover, we hope you’ll focus on and enjoy the content more than any layout element.

That said, however, we do think our new look is a change for the better. It’s fresher, sleeker, and more representative of what the new Pocketables is all about. At the top of our main home page we have quick links to the G&E, NBT, and SS sections, as well as the CrowdGadgets website. Below that is our updated logo and navigation bar to the main areas of the site, including our forum. Then you’re looking at our Featured Posts Slider, which is regularly updated to display 5 of the best posts across the site, followed by 10 of our most recent posts, each in its own little box. Click on any photo or title to view the entire post. The sidebar on the right contains a search bar, social media links, and other useful information, and you’ll find our latest tweets at the bottom of the page.

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And that’s the new Pocketables! We all think it’s going to be awesome and hope you’ll give us the opportunity to prove that to you. Whether you’ve been here since the site was pink and about UMPCs, this is your first visit, or you fall anywhere in between, thanks for reading and allowing us to do what we love to do. No one knows where this new path will lead us, but I hope we can find out together.

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Jenn K. Lee

Jenn K. Lee is the founder of Pocketables. She loves gadgets the way most women love shoes and purses. The pieces in her tech wardrobe that go with everything are currently the Samsung Galaxy Note II, Sony Tablet P, and Nexus 7, but there are still a couple of vintage UMPCs/MIDs in the back of her closet.

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