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Repair manuals help you fix HTC EVO yourself

Evo-repairIf you view a hardware issue or broken part on your HTC EVO 4G as a challenge for your DIY skills, then make sure you bookmark iFixit's EVO repair manual.

It includes 12 step-to-step guides to fix a range of problems from very simple things like replacing a worn-out battery to more complicated projects as replacing the logic board. Most of this could be gleaned from iFixit's complete teardown, of course, but these guides make it easier to find exactly what you're looking for. Need to replace the front camera? Check out the Front Facing Camera guide. Simple as that.

These guides would also be useful for hackers/modders, though I guess the hardcore ones could probably disassemble and reassemble the EVO with their eyes closed by now.

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Jenn K. Lee

Jenn K. Lee is the founder of Pocketables. She loves gadgets the way most women love shoes and purses. The pieces in her tech wardrobe that go with everything are currently the Samsung Galaxy Note II, Sony Tablet P, and Nexus 7, but there are still a couple of vintage UMPCs/MIDs in the back of her closet.

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