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Mangoed Chicken Se7en ROM brings Windows Phone look to rooted HTC EVO 4G

Screenshot1329500398957[1]With MIUI, we had an iPhone-inspired and wildly popular ROM for our HTC EVOs. Windows Phone interfaces have not exactly had the fan following that the iPhone has, and I don't believe I've ever seen one until the release of Mangoed Chicken Se7en for the EVO 4G.

Recently released and already updated a couple of times, Se7en is based off of CyanogenMod 7.2 RC1 and boasts an interface that looks strikingly like Windows Phone 7 in all its Metro UI glory.

It boasts Sony XLoud and Beats Audio, a Sense-less AOSP experience, the Tiamat kernel, and of course a wall-to-wall WP7-inspired theme.

As I'm not a WP7 fan, this ROM is not quite my thing, although I do appreciate the work that went into it. I can't get a real performance feel on how well it handles, but it does appear to be quite responsive with the CyanogenMod base and can do all the things a fully-functioning EVO 4G ROM should do.

It currently has a couple of minor bugs, but I don't see anyone reporting that the flashing of a Windows Phone-inspired ROM on an EVO has caused it to implode on itself.

If you're looking for something new and different to flash on your EVO 4G, this is definitely one of the unique ROMs out there.

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