Pi Zero W US Availability!
The Pi is coming! The Pi is coming! The Pi 0 W is Here!!! Go order yours then come check out Mat’s Wifi Performance break down in this preview/review!
Specifically the Raspberry Pi Zero W is now available on the US side of the pond! You can get the official synopsis here.
Feature list for Pi Zero W:
- 1GHz, single-core CPU
- 512MB RAM
- Mini-HDMI port
- Micro-USB On-The-Go port
- Micro-USB power
- HAT-compatible 40-pin header
- Composite video and reset headers
- CSI camera connector
- 802.11n wireless LAN [NEW for Zero! Same as RPI3!]
- Bluetooth 4.0 [NEW!]
If you are lucky enough to live near a MicroCenter, you can pick one up IN STORE ONLY today! Shipments are becoming available around noon local time!
If you’re like the rest of us you can enter the queue at one of these fine retailers:
Pi Zero Wireless Board Only PI-ZERO-W | $10.00 | |
Pi Zero Wireless Basic Kit PI-ZERO-W-KIT-101 | $24.95 | |
Pi Zero Wireless Starter Kit PI-ZERO-W-KIT-103 | $34.95 |
*** Out of Stock but you can Queue for them ***
Raspberry Pi Zero W Basic Pack $24.50
Raspberry Pi Zero W Budget Pack $34.50
Raspberry Pi Zero W Starter Pack $59.95
Official Release Videos!