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Errors on your Plex Media Server? Thank Windows 10 for that

Plex media server

This morning my children were watching their pre-school officially mandated episodes of the original Muppet Babies and Pinky and the Brain when I got a message on the Roku that because of a network error playback was discontinuing.

TL;DR – it’s not you, it’s (probably) Windows 10, update KB4345421 seems to fix

I tried another video and got the same thing and started thinking that perhaps my hard drive had gone bad that contains the 7 or so seasons of Muppet Babies. It’s an external, lightning struck across the street while I was on vacation, I have reason to suspect everything these days. But no.

I checked a couple of videos we watched two days ago and discovered they too were throwing up network errors. In the Plex TV forums, before they went down, it’s been pretty well documented that the last few days people are getting transcoder errors when viewing on Android, and network errors shown on other devices.

The culprit seems to be a Windows 10 patch, the current and extremely not suggested workaround is to roll back Windows to a previous time.

So many people are evidently experiencing this issue that the Plex TV forums are shot as I’m writing this.

Once again Windows 10 rears its ugly head and strikes.

I did read one note that this had to do with the processor vulnerability patch they were pushing out, but I’m not sure that’s the case.

Anyway Plex is most likely well aware and working on a fix that doesn’t involve rolling back to a less broken Windows. What you can do in the meantime is restart the video where it crashed, and sometimes view an entire show without issues.


It appears KB4345421 seems to have solved the problem for me (hour 3 now). It may show as already installed at this point, but it doesn’t force a reboot. Quick reboot if it’s showing may fix it.

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