
95 days after my tablet went missing it turns up while searching for a missing phone

Y’all may recall I had surgery in February… and when I got back home I wanted to curl up with my tablet and just try and exist… unfortunately the tablet disappeared while I was in the hospital and it died before I started looking for it. All I knew was that a few days after my hospital visit the tablet had died at my house.

For the past 3 months I’ve been looking for this thing, and yesterday my youngest lost her bunny rabbit phone and we once again tore the house apart looking for it. Along the way looking for this my tablet was found wedged in a space between my youngest’s bed and the wall. Yay…

Her phone was eventually found, evidently the cats had come through and decided it was a toy (it’s got a rabbit suit) and knocked it well beyond what it could possibly accidentally have slid under the couch.

In each case the device had died and there was no way to ring it, no way to ping it, and no way to bring it back to life for just a moment to produce a beep. In the case of my kid’s phone we weren’t even sure she didn’t take it in the car somewhere.

I’ve had similar issues with my wife’s phone, usually it ends up being under a car seat somehow.

Let me suggest to all phone operating system developers to consider when the battery is at 2% and the phone has not moved in a while to just go ahead and get an ultra-precise location and have that available rather than what currently seems to be the case of “it appears maybe somewhere in these 3 houses”.

Knowing where the phone was when it died rather than knowing it was on this block would do wonders for discovering when a cat has moved something and prevent a whole lot of searching…

I had started shopping for tablets to replace my missing one… luckily it was found but I spent a good month looking for it and disassembling rooms.

Maybe an option for managed kid’s accounts, or my wife’s phone, to notify me when the phone is about to die so it can be located and placed on a charger.

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Paul E King

Paul King started with GoodAndEVO in 2011, which merged with Pocketables, and as of 2018 he's evidently the owner. He lives in Nashville, works at a film production company, is married with two kids. Facebook | Twitter | Donate | More posts by Paul | Subscribe to Paul's posts

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