
iPhone gives productivity a boost

Iphone_greader_mobileThe Apple iPhone may not be designed to be the ideal business tool for mobile professionals, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be for you. In fact, I just realized today that it’s nearly perfect for me. And not just in the UMPC Lite sense either. No, I’m talking about real productivity, the kind I honestly never expected or even wanted when I bought the iPhone.

I work almost exclusively from home, so when I leave the house, I don’t take my work with me. This usually serves me well because I like to really disengage and unwind when I’m not behind a computer. The downside is that I often put off getting out of the house until everything is done (and when is everything ever really done?). Another disadvantage to my system is that if I have to run errands or something before I can complete my typical workday routine, all I want to do when I’m out is hurry up and go home. Not good.

And that’s what happened today. Wait, no, that’s not true. That’s what would’ve happened today if I didn’t have my iPhone.

But because I did have my iPhone, I did almost everything I would’ve done at home (and then some) . . . everywhere else.


At the doctor’s office, where I ended up having a lot of time to kill, I pulled up the mobile version of Google Reader to check on the 125+ sites I follow. AT&T’s EDGE network performed pretty well, even when I only had two bars of signal strength, and I got through most of the headlines, read what immediately interested me, and starred what I wanted to look at later in about 40 minutes. Because of the "flick" gesture, scrolling through pages (only 10 headlines at a time) was incredibly fast. Much faster than the scroll wheel on a mouse, the thumb wheel on the Pepper Pad 3, and the tap-and-drag of a stylus on other handheld devices.


At the drugstore to pick up my prescription, I entered a couple of things into my calendar and caught up on all of my email, even ones I normally wouldn’t read. I ran into the "This message has not been downloaded from the server" one (shown above), which I don’t know what to do about. Anyone know how to force the download?

In the parking lot of the drugstore, I opened up one of my Safari bookmarks to check on afternoon movie listings. My husband and I chose one that started in about half an hour.


In the car, I looked through my camera roll to find this picture of the life-size Simpsons display (taken with my iPhone) that was recently put up at a nearby theater because I couldn’t remember when the movie was going to be released.

At the restaurant, I got through the rest of my RSS feeds.

At the movies, there actually wasn’t any time to do anything because the previews were already playing by the time we found our seats. What we’ve done on the iPhone while waiting for a movie to start in the past, however, has been to watch something on YouTube, look up someplace random on Google Maps (my husband loves maps), check on the weather where some of our friends live, and take pictures.

At the hardware store after the movies, I wrote the beginning of this post in the Notes app while my husband chatted with an employee about the availability of an enormous fan (now part of our home) with oval oscillation.

Back in the car, I emailed the note to myself.


It was already dark by the time we got home, but this picture (also taken with my iPhone) of the rainbow that was right outside our front door a few days ago just seems appropriate here. Because thanks to the iPhone, all I’ve had to do since getting home was take a few pictures, copy-and-paste the note I emailed to myself into this post, write the rest, and publish it.

I spent the majority of my waking hours away from the computer today, but still got everything I wanted to done.

A laptop or UMPC could’ve done the same thing (and more), I know, but neither would fit into or add just 4.8 ounces to my tiny purse. A smartphone would for sure, but so far, no mobile browser I’ve tried comes close to Safari on the iPhone. Looking forward to Deepfish . . .

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Jenn K. Lee

Jenn K. Lee is the founder of Pocketables. She loves gadgets the way most women love shoes and purses. The pieces in her tech wardrobe that go with everything are currently the Samsung Galaxy Note II, Sony Tablet P, and Nexus 7, but there are still a couple of vintage UMPCs/MIDs in the back of her closet.

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7 thoughts on “iPhone gives productivity a boost

  • In my experience, Opera Mobile on Windows Mobile is just as good as Safari on the iPhone. The biggest difference is the QVGA screen that most WinMos have, I’d like to see how it looks on a VGA or WVGA screen. The quick flick scrolling is nice but could be easily replicated in software (and I think HTC and others have already done it in some betas).

  • I’ll definitely give Opera Mobile a try once I get my WM6 HTC Advantage, which has a 5″ VGA screen. I think the browser was on my Nokia N70 last summer but I can’t remember.

    I’ve only used Opera Mini, Blazer, WebPro, and NetFront in the past, so Safari on the iPhone’s big screen is a remarkable improvement. I do like Opera itself on the Nokia N800, Sony mylo, and Archos wifi models (all different builds, I believe), but the actual browsing experience is lacking some of the iPhone’s appeal. I’m still getting to know the N800, though, so I haven’t really made up my mind on it yet.

  • Avatar of MathProfJohnson

    Jenn- my question is could you have done all of this with your SonyUX or a PDA type phone?

  • …and caught up on all of my email, even ones I normally wouldn’t read.

    Now I get it…..

  • @ MathProfJohnson: Yes, as I mention at the end of the post, “A laptop or UMPC could’ve done the same thing (and more)…but neither would fit into or add just 4.8 ounces to my tiny purse. A smartphone would for sure, but so far, no mobile browser I’ve tried comes close to Safari on the iPhone.”

    I still haven’t set up the UX’s built-in EDGE, though, so I would’ve had to tether some other phone (not the iPhone since it doesn’t support Bluetooth DUN) to get online. And that would’ve meant carrying an extra device.

    Another thing I was thinking about while using the iPhone at the doctor’s office in particular was how low key it was. If I had been carrying my UX (which doesn’t fit into my current purse), for example, I think I would’ve gotten stared at a lot. This is obviously a matter of personal preference, but I can’t stand being stared at.

    This may change when I get the HTC Advantage, but so far I’ve never had a phone that provided such an excellent browsing experience. It’s just something I always want to use. When I had a data plan for my Treo, I used to browse the Web only when I really had to.

    @ L: Hey, I always read yours. Writing back is another story…

  • Avatar of Eric R Towse

    Free Text-Processing for your iPhone. Work on your computer, sync to your iPhone, work on your iPhone, sync back to your computer. Uses applications resident on your iPhone and computer (any platform.) For list of instructions, send an E-mail to [email protected]. Please include the words “iPhone WP” in the subject line. Hope you find this helpful! Rev. Eric R Towse

  • Switch to IMAP on the iPhone to solve this problem. Using Gmail as an example, do not create a default POP Gmail account on the iPhone, start out creating an “other” type of email account to get to the IMAP option. For step-by-step instructions, including how to specify a different “from” email address if needed, then read my blog entry at


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