Good and EVO

New CDMA EVO 3D Anthrax kernel fully works on 2.17 base, supports Beats and Slide 2 Wake

Taken this morning, had over 3500 scores before but native screenshot was not working. RassafrassaChad Goodman, author of the Anthrax series of kernels, dropped in last night to let us know his new kernel is out that now fully supports the Ponury Gesture Mod aka Slide 2 Wake. That, however, is actually one of the less impressive features of his new release.

For those who dig Quadrant scores, my InfectedROM install went from averaging right at 3000 to 3500, probably due to the 2.17 base. It's pretty snappy when it comes down to it.

Chad's Anthrax kernels come in a couple of flavors: 1) the fully open-source versions, also known as the XDA/public versions, do not contain Beats kernel support (due to it being closed-source) and 2) the closed-source Qualcomm/HTC Beats versions. Both versions work 100% with 2.17-based ROMs (and older bases, it seems) and include a working camera.

There's a features list a half mile long, but the ighlights are Beats, undervolting, overclocking, ZSL, plenty of CPU governers, and USB host mode. Basically if you need a kernel to do it, this one does it.

To get Chad's private kernels, you'll need to sign up for an account at, and then agree that you're not going to sue, re-host the kernel, or claim it ate your cat in this thread. User names and passwords for the download site change regularly, so don't bother writing it down.

I'm not entirely sure why so many steps are required to get the private kernel with Beats/Qualcomm, but after reading some of the XDA drama, I'm guessing that it was buried in that. And trust me, it's worth the extra steps required.

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Paul E King

Paul King started with GoodAndEVO in 2011, which merged with Pocketables, and as of 2018 he's evidently the owner. He lives in Nashville, works at a film production company, is married with two kids. Facebook | Twitter | Donate | More posts by Paul | Subscribe to Paul's posts

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